Thursday 2 July 2009

*sigh* - What do they teach em' these days?

I walked into a Oakley sunglasses store today looking for a pair of category 4 sunglasses, I.e the least light passes through the lens.

After some wandering, I am approached by the shop assistant...

Shop Assistant: Can I help you?

Me: Yer...I'm looking for some catorgory 4 sunglasses.

*Long uncomfortable silence*

Shop Assistant: "Ummm Cat 4, catorgory 4...."

*He looks thoughtfull for a moment* then adds:

"Um...we only sell Oakley glasses here, see..."

*He points to the big sign on the front of the shop, which does indeed have Oakley emblazzened in hugh letters* and adds:

"Can I help with anything else?"

I sighed, and left.
I've been really lazy with this blogging site because I've spent so much of my time making my website and updating it.

I've never had a website before so I'm learning as I go along.

You can visit my website at and if you have a spare penny feel free to donate towards my Arctic Norway Expedition.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

A sence of power

I stare into my mirror. He's still there...what an idiot! Sitting right on my bumper. I'm driving at 50mph and he's so close I can't even see his registration. He can't overtake me, but the limit of the road is 50.

Up ahead the limit is unrestricted, you can easily drive it as 70/80 mph.

I glance in my mirror again and curse under my breath.

I slow right down, there is nobody behind him. 40mph....30 mph....he's still there 20....I'm hoping that he takes the hint as I change into 2nd gear....15.....

He really hasnt taken the hint, him in his poser 4x4 with 2 kids in the back..

So we crawl along at 15 mph for a good 5 minutes at least, with him still sitting there right up my backside.

Eventually he takes the hint and backs off....

My adrenaline was going for a bit, I thought that there'd be a road rage incident at the next junction, but there wasn't....and I did get such a sence of power.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Paddling across The Sound

I glance over my shoulder and fix the image in my head…where I don’t want to be.

Then I look across to the eddy forming behind the lighthouse (the building that isn’t a house and has no light). I face into the flow and making sure my nose doesn’t stick in the water or that I’m leaning too far back to send me backwards into the chaotic breaking waves, I pick the wave and glide down its ever changing face onto the next wave, surfing and ferry gliding across the funny water.

…and as I find my line a little bit wrong, and glance again at the messy waves breaking behind me, a surge of adrenaline curses my veins…and in that moment, that rush, I don’t care about the world.

I don’t care about all the complications in my life, the things that make me sad when I stop and think.
I don’t think about the rumours that are flying round.
I don’t care for the people who gossip with no regard for those it effects.
I don’t care….

I think about where I am and where I need to be, I’m totally focused on my line to the next safe haven….and with the cries of seals echoing around its impossible not to appreciate the beauty of life… this is what life is all about.

Maybe I can pat myself on the back and say, I did well today, maybe I can afford myself a compliment, normally I would say it was a good day considering I’m a crap paddler. But today was a good day and I paddled well.

Friday 13 February 2009

Just like moderating playtime

The Friday feeling is meant to be one of relief...weeks over, end of. Relax...

It's a sad state of affairs I feel when I am actually happier at school than I am at "home"...certainly not something I experienced as a child!
I actually feel like i'm engulfed in a cloud of depression...when I LEAVE work!!!!

"Home" in the present context being a small room on the 3rd floor of a B&B, which is what I have been calling "home" since Christmas.

Living with people who have little respect for anyone else is killing me;

People who bang around in rooms and shout out of windows at gone 01:30 am! I lie there thinking...i'll be IN work in 7 hours !!!

People who role in at 4:30 am on a weekend making the most noise humanly possible, soo drunk they can't even get up the stairs...pathetic!

People who play with their food at dinner, spread it round the plate, have spoon fights, put salt and pepper in drinks....I mean seriously!

It makes my kids at school look well behaved.

Role on another weekened of escaping by playing in the sea or going into the hills...the only saviour of my sanity!

Thursday 12 February 2009

Broken Ankle...

This is my old blog which I started when I broke myself in a climbing accident (actually a falling accident) in North Wales in June 2008.

I started it because I was bored and stuck in the house, it got some fairly gross pictures too if you want to see what an ankle looks like when you partially dislocate it and break your foot and ankle, and spend 5 hours getting to medical care.

Comedy factor

I was in a year 12 lesson yesterday and they were on the computers doing some research on coastal features. One of the lads had an awesome picture of a beach with gorgeous blue sea on his screen, to which he exclaimed.

"Miss! Doesn't that look so erotic...exotic!"

I've never heard someone correct themself so quickly, and i'm sure I haven't seen anyone turn quiet soo beetroot coloured in a while. The girls next to him where winding him up a little after that.

Small things amuse me...